Monday, July 19, 2010

Another day...

Yes, I finally got some sleep.

No, I did not get to stay out of the heat. Calleigh decided- again- that we needed to drive somewhere. I convinced her that setting up her pool and playing in it would suffice. I thought I was being smart.

My air pump didn't have an adapter for that kind of valve. Neither did the tire pump. My asthma barely lets me blow up a balloon. That pool was not getting air from me. to the Wal-Mart mecca we went.

Of course they didn't have any adapters by themselves. So I had to buy a whole new pump. And of course the cheapest one only had a plug for car lighters. Oy. I opted for the rechargeable one, as it was only $4 more than the electric. In the process of getting the pump and looking for various other things, we made a couple of laps around the supercenter (that's not really so super IMO). The only thing the little cutie asked for was carrots. And yes, she got them. She was eating them on the way out to the car. :-)

On the way home I began to realize that I would have to wait for the rechargeable pump to charge first. This kid wasn't going to like that. But my genius strikes again: take the adapter from the new pump and use it on the old pump. :-) Worked just great.

Calleigh, of course, wanted in the pool immediately. It was so hard for her to wait for the thing to air up. Then came the waiting for the water to fill up. When we went out to check it about halfway through, I conviced her that the water was too cold right now and that it would warm up nicely while she took a nap. :-) Then came another battle. But what she doesn't realize is that the more she fights with me the more I realize that she really does need the nap. She's not very convincing in her arguments otherwise. So, she is napping. :-) I will get her up soon if she doesn't wake up herself so she can go enjoy her pool. I hope it's warm enough...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wherefore art thou, sleep?

So tired. Friday night Calleigh decided to get up sporadically throughout the night and come wake me up to go to her bed with her. Then she would go right back to sleep. Though it was usually a light sleep for awhile- long enough to keep me from sneaking back to my bed for a good chuck of time. I ended up taking a nap on the couch while she watched her shows Saturday morning to try to catch up a bit. It turned out to be a really good thing I did. Our power went out around midnight last night. The kicker is that I was about 10 pages from the end of my book. (I finished it by flashlight.) The power didn't come back on until 5 this morning. In the meantime, I didn't sleep much. I was hot without my fan and AC. And I also heard all the disturbing noises without the fan and AC running. Not that you need much quiet to hear the noisy neighbors. I have a feeling I will be calling them in soon. Anyway...Calleigh got up around 4:30. She made a lot of noise stumbling around in the dark. I met her in the hallway with the flashlight. After a trip to the bathroom, she decided she wanted to be in my bed. And she was wide awake. Oy. When the power came back on around 5, I fought to get her still and sleeping, and then I finally got some sleep. But only until about 8:30. I could not get back to sleep. Calleigh, however, slept until after 11. Sigh. I get really cranky and irritable without sleep. As soon as Blue's Clues goes off, I'm going to wage the nightly battle to get her to sleep. Then I hope to get some myself. I really don't want to see what a third night would do to me and my temperament.

Also adding to my exhaustion is that my dear little darling just had to go to the park today to feed the ducks and geese. It was SO hot. Turns out it was so hot that she didn't play much after we fed the fowl. But she wasn't ready to go home. We drove over to the flea market to explore. It was another first for her. She loved it. And it didn't cost me a fortune. But I thought it would be cooler in there than it was. Plus I had to carry her for most of the time we were in there.

Since it looks like the great rains of July 2010 have come to an end, I'm going to get her swimming pool set up tomorrow. And since we'll have that to cool off in, we may do some seed planting as well.

She was supposed to have an appointment with her ENT tomorrow. Friday I had two voicemail messages: one to confirm her appointment and one to say we have to reschedule her appointment because the doctor will be out of the office. Geesh. Once I call and reschedule that and call and set up an appointment for me with my dentist, I think I'll have all of our doctor appointments scheduled. For a few weeks anyway.

I think Blue is about to wrap things up, so I'm going to do the same. Oh, I hope I get to sleep tonight...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ahhh... Finally some formatting!

First: A great big thanks to Catt for the help!

I finally got some formatting on here. I'm not sure how long the background will stay this way, but for now I love it because it's not a stock choice. :-) I also got some pictures of the adorable little Princess up there. The only thing that still bothers me is the black border on the sides of the header box. It's just a sliver down the left, and much broader on the right. Oy. Now, if I can just keep up with the posting....

Friday, July 16, 2010

Feeling blog-deficient

I want to start really using this blog, but I feel very lost. I know it will all seem simple later, but right now I'm so confused. The pictures are the biggest block for me I think. And the background. Are there really only like five choices? Oy. I have sat here many evenings wanting to post something, but my OCD won't let me until I can get a grip in the formatting. So I have compromised with myself to get myself going. I am blogging about how to start blogging. Or why I can't start blogging. Or something. Anyway.... I will work on it.

I'm starting by testing out the adding pics to the post. I am using some from our first adventure at the Riverside water park. It was wonderful. It's a gorgeous park. The water areas are beautiful. Everything is clean. The people are nice. And Calleigh loved it.