Friday, September 4, 2009

A surprisingly long(er) weekend

Last night Calleigh was just great. Hyper, annoying (in the good way), happy little girl. About 3:30 am she came to me bed wanting up. No problem. She does this occassionally. I lift her up, we snuggle, she goes to sleep, I do the same. Not last night.
She was crying. It was a cry full of agony and misery. She keep saying, "Ow," "Owie," "It hurts," etc. She tossed and turned and cried. I asked her if her tummy hurt. She said, "Yeah." So I gave her tummy medicine. She tried laying every way imagininable. She got more and more of her body on mine. It was like she was trying to crawl back in. When she was finally laying completely on top of me like she did for the first couple of months after she was born, she finally got still and fell asleep.
A couple of hours later, the alarm was going off. I got up and got ready. Then I set in to the process of waking her up and getting her ready. I had to dress her halfway while she was still asleep. She just would not wake up. When she sat up to let me change her shirt, she was just going limp and falling asleep. She said she wanted to go to school, and I could tell she was trying, but she just couldn't wake up. But still I persisted. I was worried, but she had been absolutely fine just hours before. I sat her down on the hope chest while I went to get her shoes. When I came back, I really looked in her eyes. I hate that look in her eyes she gets when she's sick. It's like my Calleigh has left Calleigh's body. She had had plenty of time to cool off from the blankets and she was still warm. My baby was sick.
I called in to work and sent assignments in via email.
I tried to take her back to bed, but she wanted to go sit on the couch. It was storming outside, so I opened the door and curtains so we could watch it. She wanted to go to the door to see it, but didn't want to (or maybe couldn't) walk over there. So, I carried her. I really wanted to go out there, so when she asked to go outside, I did a quick brainstorm.
We went out into the garage and opened the big door. I got out the red portable chair and set it up just inside the door. She sat in my lap and we watched the storm and talked about everything she heard and saw. We introduced "ground." She was saying it was raining on the floor. :-) She soon fell asleep in my lap. Had I gotten the couch cleared off and that leg put back on before this morning, we would have been on it and I would have fallen asleep too.
I took her back to my bed. She woke up on the way. But neither of us were awake for long. Her medicine had kicked in. I slept until 11. She slept until 12. She called me back there instead of getting up. We layed back there and chatted until around one. No tv or anything. She was just blobby.
After that she spent about 3 hours on the couch before I deemed it nap time. There was much crying and giant tears and refusals to cooperate with anything. I finally got a dry diaper on her and Motrin in her. She curled into a ball. She didn't want me to touch her. She cried and cried. I sang and she stopped crying. I sang until she fell asleep.
My dad woke her up around 6 or 6:30. She's been pretty good since then. But she's getting near the sleep threshold again.
I just hope she stays on the mending side of this. Her strep isn't healed yet either. She's been on antibiotics for over a week. I finished my third round a few days ago and now my throat is feeling funny again. It looks like we're both headed for surgery.....