Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mommy moments

I am really horrible at keeping up with anything like this daily. I just have to accept that "on a regular basis" doesn't mean the same for me as it does for other people. And I also blame Facebook and iPhone. When you can share everything that quickly, easily, and often things like journals and blogs tend to slip by. I feel like I've already said all there is to be shared. I tend to forget that all of those will disappear and these memories won't be there in the future like I want them to be.

Tonight, for example.....

Calleigh has been in her room watching a movie while we watched a show in the living room. All was fine until she took her coloring tub back to her room a little while ago. She came out with green marker all over her right arm. We washed most of it off with wipes. I told her I would get the rest off before bed and she said she wouldn't write on herself any more. She went back to her room, her movie, and her coloring.

Then this came into the living room....

She's back there now. I now the movie has ended. And yet it's very, very quiet back there.

Nevermind. She just came back out. The picture isn't loaded yet, but I think I should get back there. I hope no one hears me screaming because of what I find.

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